75 @ 75


The Interplas 75 @ 75 formed a key part of the 75th birthday celebrations in 2023. This list of 75 individuals, deemed worthy by the industry itself, based on their significant contribution to advancing the UK plastics sector during the 75 years of the show was unveiled on the eve of event.


Nominations were collected via a survey and out of hundreds of nominations, the 75 individuals below are considered to have made a significant impact to the industry during this period.


Duncan Wood, CEO, Rapid News Group, said: “Interplas has been a focal point for the UK plastics industry for seventy-five years and as we reflect on that history it is a timely point to recognise those individuals who have played their part in driving the UK industry forward during that period. I congratulate all of those who made the final list, their contributions are appreciated and valued by everyone across the industry”

The Interplas 75 @ 75 Members

Don Ansell
Adisa Azapagic
Sally Bailey
Nigel Baker
David Bargery
Matt Barber
Mike Bate
Sally Beken
Glenn Bloom
Mike Boswell
Richard Brown
Terry Cooper
Peter Cox
Peter Davis
Karen Drinkwater
Paul Edwards
Justyna Elliot
Glen Eves
Eric Fawcett
Isy Ferguson
Nigel Flowers
Nick Fox
Carl Futcher
Reginald Gibson
Jogh Goff
Paul Goodhew
Ken Grace
Garrick Grove
Mark Guyett
Fergus Hardie
Graeme Herlihy
James R.W. Hendry
Richard Hird
Stephen Hunt
Andy Jewell
Mike Jordan
Robin Kent
Hardepp Khera
Peter Kirkham
Ed Kosior
Philip Law
Stephen Mancey
Ron Marsh
Dean Meynell
Karl MIller
Pravin S Mistry
Andy Nicholls
Richard Orme
Alexander Parkes
Darren Parsons
Terry Pearson
Karl Perry
Richard Perry
Gary Probert
David Raine
Carl Reeve
Colin Robinson
Simon Scholes
Richard Stamps
John C. Swallow
Islyn Thomas O.B.E
Lee Thomas
Ricky Thompson
Colin Tirel
Barry Turner
Juraj Ulik
Darren Vater-Hutchinson
Craig Ward
Daniel Williams
David Williams
Nikki Williams
Bob Wilson
Duncan Wood
Michael Wood
Simon Wrighton
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